Kentucky's 7th Annual
Gingerbread House Competition
December 6th, 2024
Entries are now being accepted for this beloved seasonal event that kicks off
the Christmas at Mustard Seed Hill festivities.
Throughout the Christmas season thousands of visitors
will view your pastry masterpieces!

This year's competition is also sponsored by Ale 8 One
All houses will be on display in the historic Allen House and McIntyre Hall from
December 6th - December 23rd.
​To Participate Register Online by November 15th
This year we are awarding over $10,000 in prizes for the following categories:
Adult (18+) 1st Place $1,500 / 2nd Place $1000 / 3rd Place $500
Teen (13-17) 1st Place $300 / 2nd Place $200 / 3rd Place $100
Youth (6-12) 1st Place $300 / 2nd Place $200 / 3rd Place $100
Pastry Chef(s) 1st Place $3,000 / 2nd Place $2,000 / 3rd Place $1,000
Family 1st Place $500 / 2nd Place $300 / 3rd Place $200
Civic/Business 1st Place $500 / 2nd Place $300 / 3rd Place $200
This Year's Celebrity Judges:
Ouita & Chris Michel
Owner & Pastry Chef of Holly Hill Inn​
Lauren Jacobs
The Cheerful Baker on FoodNetwork
Toa Green
Owner of Crank & Boom​
Team Kentucky
Mona Lewis Juett
Damaris Phillips
Southern & Hungry,
The Bobby and Damaris Show
on FoodNetwork
Tamara & Leigh
The KY Taste Buds from FOX56
Our fabulous judges will evaluate entries based on the following criteria:
Overall Appearance
Originality & Creativity
... and of course,
Completely Edible!!
All Gingerbread Houses will be displayed with a front viewing.
We will display with side vantage points and rear views when possible.
Winners will be displayed in the Allen House while others will be displayed in McIntyre Hall.

Christmas Nativity*​ $500 Build a unique Gingerbread Nativity and enter to win $500! *Open to all ages & expertise!
Spirit of Community Award This new category inspires our Gingerbread Competitors to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas! (1) Winner will be carefully selected to receive $500, (2) Ben Sollee Concert Tickets, 1 Overnight Stay, & a $100 gift card to the Artisans Market. All Gingerbread Competitors are automatically entered to win!

Rules & Instructions
Participants are responsible for transporting their Gingerbread Houses
to Mustard Seed Hill once complete.
Delivery Dates
Monday December 2nd–Thursday December 5th 9am-5pm
If you need to request a different time, just email us at info@mustardseedhill.events
We will do our best to accommodate your schedule.
Include 3”x 5” card with the entry including:
Entry Name, Entrant’s Name, Entrant’s Phone Number or Email Address
Dimensions & Structure
Must be constructed with 100% edible ingredients - except for the base
Purchased components may not include inedible pieces such as sticks and wrappers.
The entry should be composed with a significant majority of gingerbread!
Structure should be built on a sturdy base -½” or ¾” plywood or foam core recommended
Base should not exceed 24”wide x 24“deep and 24” tall or weigh greater than 50lbs
The base may be covered in non-edible items such as paint, paper, ribbon or fabric, but should not be included in the gingerbread structure.
Feet or risers under the base are encouraged, for ease of moving.
Use only non-perishable adhesives! - We cannot accept structures made with egg or butter icings as they quickly turn rancid and soften causing the structure to disintegrate.
The houses are on display for an extended period of time. The weight and duration of viewing can cause the display to collapse if not properly supported.
No battery or electric components should be included in the structure.
If the structure allows visibility inside which may be difficult to see, please contact us and proper internal lighting will be approved.
Tips & Best Practices
If baking gingerbread from scratch, bake several days before assembling to prevent shrinkage.
Use A LOT of Royal Icing to assemble and decorate. Allow each portion to dry and harden before moving.
Youth and Teen categories, parent or guardian assistance or supervision is allowed and encouraged, specifically when operating stovetops, ovens, and other heating elements.
Royal Icing Recipe
yields 2.5 Cups
1 lb. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
3 tbsp meringue powder
Mix together the above ingredients.
Add 3.5 oz water – just under 1/2 cup
Beat until icing forms stiff peaks – will hold a sharp line when knife drawn through
Keep covered with a damp cloth to keep icing from drying out.
Store unused icing in a tightly sealed container.